Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Parade

Our town's Christmas parade is the equivalent to the Queen coming to town. Everyone is either watching the parade or in the parade. People come from miles around. It is quite funny actually. Nonetheless it is always FREEZING and this year was no exception. It started out okay but once the sun went down and took its heat with it it got pretty chilly. The theme this year was a "Family Christmas." We took that as our church family. We wanted to incorporate some of the Lutheran Christmas traditions on to the float. Martin Luther was the first person to put candels on a tree so we have our candles. Also, according to German tradition rather than Santa bringing the presents on Christmas morning it was Jesus and the angels. Thus, the angels hanging from the float. The girls had a great time.

1 comment:

Lone Butterfly said...

That looks cold. Fun, but C-O-L-D! Maybe next year we can come up to see the parade - especially if there's a Dadda Do and a Mo to see! :D