Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lots has been happening

Life is back to its fast past world once again. We have been super busy. School has started back and now I have partner to take with me. Number 1 had started pre-K. Number 2 has had a birthday as well. I graduated with my master's a few weeks back and have enjoyed being able to come home and not have to go back out to school. I say all of this to say, sorry. I haven't been updating my blog very much. There are even a few things that have happend that I don't have pictures of. Number 1 got to say "play ball" at the ball park and as I was typing up the post I couldn't find the CD that my mom made of the pictures (ummm...can I get another one?). I also don't have pictures of me graduating. Mother and Mother-in law have those. If you are really curious you can jump to Mother-in law's blog and see pics of me in the old cap and gown. Anyway...I have updated with numerous posts so be sure to scroll down and catch a peek of what we have been up to.

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