Saturday, July 26, 2008

Getting ready to start school!

Well it is here. Next Friday, August 1, Number 1 starts pre-k. I really didn't think it would bother me, her starting school and all, but I must say I am a bit nervous. Her little innocent world is about to be opened up to some harsh realities. Of course she has no clue and is beyond excited. She will be coming to school with me so I will be in the same building. This could either be good or bad. I haven't decided yet. I am pretty sure it will be good. We have been doing lots to get her ready. She got a backpack for her birthday along with a new wardrobe of "school" clothes. New shoes were also a must(they can not wear flip flops, clogs, or sandals...if you know my family you know that my children LIVE in their clogs). We have had our four year old check up and given our required shots (5 of them!!!!). We also went to the dentist. This picture is her in the car getting ready to go. She did amazingly well at the dentist and giggled her way through the tooth brushing. She came home and told sister that when it was her turn to go to the dentist she didn't need to be scared. The count down to school has begun!


Life throws you surprises! said...

They are getting so big. Can't wait to hear about school.

Lone Butterfly said...

Happy First Day of School to Mollywobbles AND her Mummy!

Hope ya'll had a blast - we were thinking about you.