Friday, December 26, 2008

Something strange is happening....

Something is occuring tonight that rarely happens in my world...I am HOME ALONE!!!!! Hubby is off at work, Mo is at the beach (lucky duck), and Dabba-Do is spending some quality "only baby" time with her Nana and Paw Paw. So for tonight it is just me, myself, and I. What to do...What to do... I think I will start by taking a nice long, hot bath (BY MYSELF!!!). Tomorrow morning Hubby will be home and we will be off on our overnight adventure together. A weekend away is along time past due and we hope to make the most of our few hours. Girls are being spoiled rotten, and I am sitting in silence. I think it's safe to say everyone is happy tonight...except for maybe hubby.

1 comment:

Lone Butterfly said...

I hope you had a delightful evening, last night and will have a wonderful time on vacation.

I look forward to seeing the "good" pictures that your camera took! (Goodness knows, mine didn't come out as well as I had hoped!) :D